Forest Mogoo (Orange/Yellow)
forest inspired
povesti adevarate
a ha-ha-ha! ha ha!
mai frumoasa si mai desteapta
Subiectul: testarea pe animale. Dupa ce am citit la Ana despre acest masacru, a venit momentul in care sa constientizez si eu. Si am zis sa fac ceva mai mult. Si am luat toate etichetele din casa. Si m-am uitat ce scrie la fiecare. Pe urma am cautat pe net, si am alcatuit o lista cu branduri care NU testeaza pe animale, si produse care TESTEAZA. Nu m-as fi gandit niciodata ca Dove ar fi una dintre ele. Ipocritii.
Ma rog, aceasta lista o fac in principal pentru mine. Pentru ca daca ei pot dormi dupa ce fac ceea ce fac in laboratoare, eu nu pot dormi nici cu gandul ca as consuma asa ceva. Este pur si simplu modul meu de a ramane curata si frumoasa nu numai fizic. (da, am zis frumoasa)
The Body Shop
Yves Rocher
Gucci Parfums
Christian Dior
Procter & Gamble Co. (Crest, Tide, Cover Girl, Max Factor, Giorgio) S. C. Johnson Wax (Pledge, Drano, Windex, Glade) - cea mai mare si mai stinky firma din lume care testeaza p animale!!!
Clairol, Inc
Cover Girl (Procter & Gamble)
Johnson & Johnson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (unele dintre produsele mele preferate.. EX!)
Kimberly-Clark Corp. (Kleenex, Scott Paper, Huggies)
Max Factor (Procter & Gamble)
Mennen Co. (Colgate-Palmolive)
Olay Co./Oil of Olay (Procter & Gamble)
Pantene (Procter & Gamble)
Unilever (Rexona, Dove, Axe, Pond’s, Lux, Sunsilk, Rimmel, etc)
Carlonina Herrera
Pfizer Inc. (Bain de Soleil, Visine, Plax, BenGay, Viagra! )
Estée Lauder Cos.(Clinique, Origins, Jane, Origins, Donna Karan, MAC, Prescriptives, Tommy Hilfiger) [US] (has formal anti-testing campaign, but is responsible for a lot of fur marketing and propaganda)
Nu sunt sigura de Yves Rocher si L’Oreal (Biotherm, Cacharel, Garnier, Gemey, Giorgio Armani, Guy Laroche, Helena Rubinstein, Kérastase, L'Oréal Paris, Lancôme Paris, Lanvin, Maybelline, Paloma Picasso Ralph Lauren, Vanderbilt, Laboratoarele Vichy). [May Still be Testing Ingredients]A citit undeva ca Maybelline nu ar tresta, dar nu pot spune nimic cert. Daca stie careva..
Exista produse pe care nu scrie nimic, si totusi nu testeaza pe animale. Exemplu: Elmiplant. Alte branduri Cruelty-Free de pe plaiurile noastre sunt:
Pentru vopsea nu am gasit. Poate henna. Si Wella cred.
Unele firme nu testeaza produsul final pe animal, insa testeaza ingrediente.
Testarea pe animale este INTERZISA in Anglia, Germania, Austria si Olanda, insa vand produse din alte tari care testeaza pe animale.
O sa fac aceasta lista si in format Word/ PDF asa ca daca o vreti sa o printati etc imi spuneti.
nu vreau sa pun pe blog poze horror cu animalutze torturate, dar daca va intereseaza subiectul oricum o sa cautati singuri pe google. incercati: draize test, animal testing la Imagini ...
Corolar: aveti de unde va alege produsele, doar sa va uitati un pic pe ambalaj.
texas bunny
pink panties have a mind of their own
"Art Frahm (1907-1981) was an American painter of campy pin-up girls and advertising. Frahm lived in Chicago, and was active from the 1940s to 1960s. Today he is best known for his “ladies in distress” pictures involving beautiful young women whose panties mysteriously flutter to the ground in public situations, often causing them to spill their bag of groceries.
Frahm was commercially successful. His falling-panties paintings are still considered too camp to be art, and too juvenile to be erotica. However this genre (which Frahm seems to have created) was in demand in the 1950s, and was later imitated by some other pin-up artists. The falling-panties art has a small cult following as mid-20th century kitsch, or even as fetish art."
some velvet morning
Freaky Fred
cel mai freaky episod din Courage e cel cu Fred, frizerul nebun. freaky fred, freaking me out, freaky freaky freaky! Eustace: "The freak's a barber, a freaky barber, with his own freaky barber shop, where freaky things happen, freaky barber things!"
astazi am vazut un personaj in metrou, care primele 2 minute m=a fascinat. cum statea el asa fix, nemiscat, doar cu mana dreapta isi freca dejtu mare de aratator, asa finut, in regula, nu se mai opreste, devine obsedant, FREAKS ME OUT! dupa 10 minute mi se facuse pielea de gaina, si stiti cum e, ("e greu sa fii la inaltime"), cand e ceva ce-ti displace, nu te poti abtine sa nu te uiti .. in continuu..
acest personaj era Freaky Fred leit! doamne! nu-mi place sa ma iau asa de necunoscuti, dar omul asta.... aualeu, mi se zburleste pielea cand ma gandesc. ma asteptam sa se uite la mine dintr-o miscare si sa se apropie si sa=mi zica : NAAAUUUGHHTTYY.. haualeu.. am fugit sa prind celalalt metrou.. si a intrat si el iar in acelasi compartiment.. la fel de freaky.. frecandu-si dejtele in continuu...on.... and on... and on..
pentru cei care nu au vazut episodul.. (..bafta) : LINK
"That's when my tired eyes beheld, a doggy dog, like dog he smelled.D-O-G is what he spelled.
And that's how I spell...naughty.
Alone, was I.With tender Courage.With all his fur, his furry furrage.
Which I say, did encourage me, to be, quite...naughty.
It was a day I'd not forget, the day that I first met my pet.Oh! What a lovely gift to get.
I'd never felt so...naughty.
My fuzzy friend is what he was, this darling little ball of fuzz.And, oh, such fuzz, such fuzz! It does
demand that I be...naughty.
He looked at me, his fetching eyes, and fetching fur did hypnotize.I filled with joy, I filled with sighs.
And that's when I got...naughty."
Street Delivery - day one
pentru ca am stat vreo ora si jumatate singura, am imbratisat pe toti .. de mai multe ori.. dar nu mi=a ajuns :D
mai multe poze, soon pe Flickr
ne vedem si maine! si poimaine!